Showing posts with label youngest chief minister. Show all posts
Showing posts with label youngest chief minister. Show all posts

The new Neta Jee

Posted by Abhishek Pandey on 15:58:00 in , ,

When Akhilesh Singh Yadav, 38, became the youngest chief minister of a State that has population of over 200 million, it was evident that it will spark a change in the State politics. He is young and thinks unlike his father Mulayam Singh Yadav on many issues concerning youth. He gives importance to computers and even has bought a smart phone for her daughter.

Following Obama style of campaigning in UPelections, he talked of a change. He neither spewed venom against any politicalparty nor individual nor tore any party’s manifesto in any public meeting. Hetalked of improving education and industrial sector, creating jobs, givingunemployment allowances to graduates and making the state safe and secure for its citizens. Akhilesh said that he will give importance to English withoutignoring Urdu and Hindi.

He convinced voters saying his party willnot support hooliganism and tried to correct the image ofthe party that is known for lawlessness bynot distributing tickets to tainted leaders. He did not give tickets to DPYadav, Atiq Ahmed and such others with serious criminal cases against them.
After coronation on the chief minister postthat has been offered by the Samajwadi Party stalwart Mulayam Singh Yadav for his son, thenew face of the Samajwadi Party leader carries a huge responsibility on his shoulders.

Peopleare looking forward for a change that will change the face of the State thathas given maximum numbers of prime ministers to the country.
People want Akhilesh to bring investmentand create job opportunities for youth.
People want Akhilesh to build a strong infrastructurein cities and villages—Road, Water and Electricity.
People want better health facilities evenin the remotest village of the State.
People have given clear mandate and haveshown trust to the new Samajwadi Party led by the youngest chief minister of India.


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