Eve teasing: The shameful reality
Ravinder Pal Singh, Assistant
Inspector of Police, was shot dead in Amritsar (Punjab) when he was trying to
save her daughter from an eve teaser. The culprit is Ranjit Singh Rana, a young Akali Dal leader.
This is not the first case. A few days ago five miscreants had killed a youth
who protested against lewd comments passed by miscreants to a girl living in his neighbourhood in a Mumbai suburb. It has been happening not only in Mumbai but
also in Bangalore, Delhi and many other small cities such as Kanpur, Amritsar, Noida,
What is happening to
youngsters and why are they indulging in these kinds of activities? Do parents
and teachers teach them well how to behave with girls? Should we blame all this
to media? Should we blame their upbringing and the way their parents bring up
Do we need tougher laws?
Sections 509 and 294, 354
of Indian Penal Code deal with sexual harassment cases. Offenders can be sent
to jail for one year or Rs. 12,000 fine or both. Activists believe that we can
make stringent acts but they will remain post facto solutions. Political will
and police action at the right time is required to handle these cases.
people are doing this?
Why does a boy feel
like doing this? It has been observed by many that there is a male mindset that
rape is a crime but eve teasing chalta hai. Should we blame Indian entertainment
industry which has glorified eve teasing in some way or the other? They show lad
clad in fashionable clothes pinch a girl and easily get away with it. We need
to tell them that they should respect each and every girl. No one gives them
license to eve tease a girl just because she is wearing skimpy clothes or goes
to pubs or smokes cigarettes.
We need to change the
mindset of the people and need to stand up with girls who decide to complaint against
such harassment and take up these cases to police. These are the girls who are the
torch bearers and will change the world for their fraternity. Cheers!!!