Showing posts with label Self immolation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Self immolation. Show all posts

Fire in the land of snow and peace

Posted by Abhishek Pandey on 13:31:00 in , ,

While reading Seminar, I learned that 104 Tibetans have self-immolated since 2009 to protest against Chinese oppression and demand free Tibet. I was aware that people are immolating themselves for a free Tibet but the numbers shocked me. This is one of the most horrendous figures of human civilization! It is weird because it is happening in 21st century and no one notices it. And those who notice ignore it as if nothing major happened.
People have taken another route to protest when other methods failed. When Tibetans protested on roads; they were killed and dumped by the People Liberation Army of China. They did not leave any trace of what happened.    
Where are the United Nations and Human Rights Councils? To my understanding, they are quiet because the big brother (the USA) and European countries are not interested in taking any action because they have business interest in China. 
Why media is not talking about it? Why any Arnab Goswami is not asking ‘nation needs an answer?’ No one, not even journalists, are allowed to enter in Tibet. A couple of CNN and BBC journalists were not allowed to enter Tibet and threatened that if they insist their visas will be cancelled.
Do we lack journalists who can dare and do a sting in Tibet? It is not true. Journalists have reported from troubled areas such as Taliban where the situation was as hostile as it is in Tibet today. It is perhaps media houses are not interested in reporting Tibet issue because it does not make some great news for front pages of newspapers or for prime time on TV.
Why is India that has given shelter to the Tibetan ‘parliament-in-exile’ keeping quiet? Indian silence is obvious. Indian government has failed miserably in their foreign policy. It did not act aggressively when Chinese army intruded and setup their camps 19-kilometre inside Indian Territory. So how can they raise voice against the oppression of Tibetans? 
Would India have reacted the same way when human rights of Tamilians were violated in Sri Lanka? No. They told the Sri Lankan premiere to ensure Tamilians are safe and even took up issue on International platforms. India has not done so in the case of Tibet. However, it will face maximum problems by Chinese spoiling Tibetan ecosystem. 
In the times when people resort to violence to demand anything Tibetans sticking to non-violence methods is admirable. If they fail to make a mark, it will be a failure of the principle of non-violence. It is bad sign for a civilized society. Think.


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