Showing posts with label LTTE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LTTE. Show all posts

A struggle for justice by wrong means

Posted by Abhishek Pandey on 16:36:00 in , ,
By Abhishek Pandey

Villupillai Prabhakaran started the violent movement against Sri Lankan government for demanding equal rights for the Tamilians in 1972 by founding LTTE (Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam). He would have not thought that his efforts would not bring any fruit for Tamilians. As we all know, LTTE is on the verge of dying. V. Prabhakaran, the chief of LTTE is trying to escape from the No Fire Zone (NFZ). A 30 year old war seems to be ending in Sri Lanka with the death of LTTE militants and thousands of civilians. If sources are to be believed then 300,000 Tamils are sandwiched between the LTTE and Sri Lankan Armed forces.

The matter of concern is that civilians are on the chopping bloc in the war between government and LTTE. Many innocent civilians are forced to live in the camps and many are starving and genocide is waiting to take place. Why, we Indians should care about it. Indian should care about them as it is happening in our neighbor country. Indians should care because it is inhuman atrocities. Sri Lankan Government is not in the mood to step back and also mocked on the call of LTTE’s demand of cease fire. It is expected that with in few days, the war against LTTE would be over.

According to the filtered news coming from Sri Lanka, the political headquarter of LTTE, Kilionchchi, is not in control of the organisation. And the organization has been limited to 8 square kilometer area or less. Anytime, the chief of LTTE can be arrested or killed. Indian supports the cause of LTTE but not the method. Even, the Priyanka Gandhi, daughter of former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, who was killed in suicide bomb attack orchestrated by LTTE, understands the problems of Tamils in Sri Lanka but she is against any type of killings.

The issues of Tamilians have been politicized in Tamilnadu to earn votes in the elections. Tamil Politicians love LTTE’s cause but not its methodology. But they have done nothing to negotiate with the LTTE or Sri Lankan government to solve the issue. As one saying in Hindi goes, ‘Saanp bhi mar jaye aur Lathi bhi na tute’ (Get the advantage without paying anything). It is true in the case of Tamil politicians. In this election also, Jayalaita, Muthuvel Karunanidhi and Vaiko have extended their support for the Tamil Cause through lip service and demanded for a ceasefire to save innocent Tamil Civilians in Sri Lanka from the army attacks.

A Website supporting Tamil cause, Tamil Guardian writes, it is often forgotten that the demand for an independent Tamil Eelam emerged and was democratically endorsed by the Tamils several years before the LTTE's first major attack. After the independence from the British Rule in Feb 4 1948, Sri Lanka - then known as Ceylon - had majority of Sinhala speaking people with more than 70% of population. But during the British rule Tamils, which constituted about 15% of the population were on most of the civil posts because of their command over English. After the independence Tamil speaking populace were deprived of their basic rights in the island. ‘Sinhala only’ act also caused a stir in the nation for implementing Singhalese as national and official language of the country. Many Tamil officials in the administration had to resign because of their unawareness to the Singhalese language. Tamilians can not forget the Galoya riots of 1956 when several Tamilians were killed by the Sinhala hoodlums.

According to an article ‘A struggle for Justice’ published by a LTTE publication in 1997, in the early sixties, many Tamilians adopted Gandhi’s Ahimsa formula to raise their voice against the state. The Sinhala Government crushed the non-violent peaceful campaigns of the Tamils by using military power. Article further explains that the event that broke the limits of the state oppression against the Tamils was the new Republican constitution of 1972 which was a deliberate attempt to legalize and institutionalize Sinhala chauvinism at the cost of alienating the minorities from the politics. And, this was the time when the political struggle of Tamilians took a u-turn and started violent movement under the umbrella of militant organisation named LTTE.

As the supporters of the Tamil cause say that the birth of the LTTE is the result of injustice with the minority Tamilians in the region. As the saying goes, One man’s terrorists is another man’s freedom fighter’ may be justified in this case also. Sri Lankan government and Indian government have banned LTTE for its terrorist activities.

Whatever, the way LTTE choose to bring peace for the Tamilians who are living in north-eastern provinces of the island has been proved a catastrophe for the common people. Thousands of them, including women and children, have been killed in the ending combat. Will this war would end with the arrest of Prabhakaran or demise of the LTTE. It is doubtable because any community or group can not be suppressed for long. Sri Lankan government must take this in consideration and should give the minority population a platform to raise their voice in the democracy. It is up to government that they don’t leave any stone unturned to give birth to any other Prabhakaran. Justice should be done to the Tamilians.

The death of LTTE is not the solution to bring peace among the Singhalese and Tamilians. It would erect a wall of hatred and divide the two groups unless justice is done to the both parties. Killing of the people can not be justified whether it is done by the Sri Lankan Army men or by the LTTE. The struggler for justice started by LTTE and then retaliated by Sri Lankan government has not done justice to common people and humanity. Justice must be done but with non-violent and democratic means. The end of the LTTE is not the end of the war in Sri Lanka.

Sri Lankan government must give fundamental rights to all the citizens of the country. If it is done then there would be no Prabhakaran in the coming future because the militants would not be supported by the common people by invoking ethnic sentiments. This is the right time to welcome the Tamilians in the Sri Lanka to the mainstream. This move would bring long-awaited peace in the region. Not only Indian government but also International community should interfere to stop the killings of innocent people.


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