Showing posts with label Kiss Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kiss Day. Show all posts

Express your love, but is it that simple?

Posted by Abhishek Pandey on 17:37:00 in , ,
No. It’s not. The three-word expression I Love You is perhaps the most difficult one to express. People may be headstrong but go weak at the knees when it comes to proposing to someone special. For one and all, the expression of love requires perfect timing, ideal setting and right approach.

Valentine’s Day is considered an important day in the lives of people in love. They may or may not be in a relationship but the day holds significance in their lives. People in relationships want to make it large by planning an outing with their partners or by giving special gifts. Others want to make it memorable by expressing their love to someone special. You need not break a bank to make Valentine’s Day special for someone. It just requires a decent attitude and a right approach.
Many of us fall in love with a friend or a colleague or someone in our neighbourhood or someone we see at a bus stop or in a market. And sometimes it is difficult to break the ice with a person we know than with strangers for several odd reasons. Here are a few tips on how to begin a conversation with someone special.
The most important factor to start an interaction is the consent of the other person. You should not make him/her uncomfortable. And the level of comfort varies from person to person; some will not like you interacting with them in public places like college canteens, libraries or at bus stops. You should consider other factors too like wheter the person is alone and you are in a group or you are meeting in a deserted area at night.
If any of these factors apply, be aware that the other person may feel a little unsafe or unsure of your approach. If you are not sure about their comfort in the interaction do ask them, “is it ok if I talk to you.” Make it clear that you mean no harm and leave them alone if they do not wish to talk.
Treat the person with respect. One should not become over-friendly in the first meeting. He or she should avoid commenting right away on their looks and attire. One should refrain from using endearing terms. A hello and a smile will rarely offend anyone and can open up the door for further conversation.

Getting rejected is surely not your desire. But you should not curse, insult or hurt a person who turns you down. Often people do not want to meet or even talk to someone in public places. There could be many reasons. They may be preoccupied or may be in a hurry. They may be already in a relationship. They may not be interested in any kind of relationship before getting into marriage.
If the person talks comfortably, you should not become overfriendly. You should behave decently and give enough time for the relationship to grow. Rome was not built in a day. Everything takes its own time. If you know the person for quite some time you can propose to him/her in right setting but the rules mentioned above still apply.

Expressing your feelings over phone or online is a safer option rather than saying those three words personally. But this is an impersonal approach and shows lack of confidence in yourself and lack of seriousness in your proposal. It is the worst thing to convey your expression through someone in his/her group or in your circle of friends because many a time your ‘someone special’ may not want to share his or her relationship with anyone else except you.
This article has been published in Yuva Sambad dated February 11, 2012.


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