Politics up in UP

Posted by Abhishek Pandey on 15:23:00 in
Akhilesh Yadav is a man in a hurry. He has more clout than any other politician in UttarPradesh. Akhilesh is the youngest chief minister of the most populated Indian state. He has emerged as the strong man of the Samajwadi Party. Unlike other politicians in his party, he has risen from the grass roots to a position of authority and therefore understands the political milieu better than the most.
He is the only person who can cut the Gordian knot of political problems that beset the part after the victory. Almost all the candidates he supported have won and he has emerged stronger. Akhilesh has brought about a change in the policies of the party. He has announced of introducing computers in schools and giving laptops and tablets to high school and intermediate students.

Akhilesh has emerged as the strongest contender for the crown of Yuvraj which has been associated with Rahul Gandhi, at least in UP. The Congress party had lost badly in the assembly elections. Rahul Gandhi is being criticised for the debacle and Sonia Gandhi, the chairperson of the party, has been defending him. Rahul is being lampooned by the media for his failed, much-hyped political canvassing and tactless distribution of tickets.

 It is not in the Congress alone that faces such a problem, the Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP) is also ina similar problem. Though, the BJP has been successful in transforming its image from a communal party to a party that, in the changed climate, champions the interests of all communities. However, the party has lost ground among Hindus.

The biggest ever victory of the Samajwadi Party has warmed the cockles of party supporters. Today, in an abrupt turnaround of fortunes, the party has emerged as a major threat to all the parties in the forthcoming general elections due in 2014. The impact of this victory may be short-lived in the minds of the people; but the fear of losing the next election endures in the minds of all the bigwigs of the Congress, the BJP and the BSP.


The new Neta Jee

Posted by Abhishek Pandey on 15:58:00 in , ,

When Akhilesh Singh Yadav, 38, became the youngest chief minister of a State that has population of over 200 million, it was evident that it will spark a change in the State politics. He is young and thinks unlike his father Mulayam Singh Yadav on many issues concerning youth. He gives importance to computers and even has bought a smart phone for her daughter.

Following Obama style of campaigning in UPelections, he talked of a change. He neither spewed venom against any politicalparty nor individual nor tore any party’s manifesto in any public meeting. Hetalked of improving education and industrial sector, creating jobs, givingunemployment allowances to graduates and making the state safe and secure for its citizens. Akhilesh said that he will give importance to English withoutignoring Urdu and Hindi.

He convinced voters saying his party willnot support hooliganism and tried to correct the image ofthe party that is known for lawlessness bynot distributing tickets to tainted leaders. He did not give tickets to DPYadav, Atiq Ahmed and such others with serious criminal cases against them.
After coronation on the chief minister postthat has been offered by the Samajwadi Party stalwart Mulayam Singh Yadav for his son, thenew face of the Samajwadi Party leader carries a huge responsibility on his shoulders.

Peopleare looking forward for a change that will change the face of the State thathas given maximum numbers of prime ministers to the country.
People want Akhilesh to bring investmentand create job opportunities for youth.
People want Akhilesh to build a strong infrastructurein cities and villages—Road, Water and Electricity.
People want better health facilities evenin the remotest village of the State.
People have given clear mandate and haveshown trust to the new Samajwadi Party led by the youngest chief minister of India.


Raped and blamed

Posted by Abhishek Pandey on 15:04:00 in , ,
The 17-year-girl was raped in Noida. The UP Police, as usual, said that the girl willingly drunk alcohol with a male friend. She went with him and other four males in his friend’s car. They say that she was drunk that’s why she was raped. Did the girl ask the boy on whom she had trust or other strangers for the assault?

Police says, in spite of having thousands of extra policemen on elections duty in the city that is just a few kilometres from the national capital, cannot monitor each and every vehicle that’s why she was raped. Can they dare to say same sentence when a daughter of some affluent businessman or politician is treated the same way. NO, they won’t?

Police has arrested all the accused in the rape case. Good. They revealed the name of the girl and said she willingly drunk and that’s why she was raped. Bad. The situation would have been better for her and her parents, if the police would have not defamed the girl and, of course, would have not uttered that nonsense. Such statements by a chief of police department discourage girls in reporting such incidents taking place every day and shows insincere and amateur response to a sensitive problem.  

Girls are blamed for getting raped. Sometimes police say they were wearing skimpy clothes. Sometimes they say the girl was drunk. Sometimes they say that the girl was not of good character. Sometimes they say that a girl ventured out at night that’s why she was victimised. Apparently, in all these cases, girls never welcome anyone to assault and never will. So it is wise on the part of police to stop using such offensive and insensitive language.
These are idiotic excuses by inefficient people those cannot perform their duties. These kinds of persons will blame the parents for negligence if a young girl of 6 years is raped at public place. I am not saying that girls or parents should not take preventive measures in bringing down the number of such incidents. But, no one neither police nor others have any right to blame the victims for such cases. It is not only insensitive but also gave others an excuse and a justification to assault a girl.  

P.S. Most rape cases are reported in Noida (UP) and Delhi. Ironically, both states have woman chief ministers.


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