Indian Profit League
Posted by Abhishek Pandey
IPL Sunanda Pushkar Shahshi Tharoor

Indian Premiere League proved to be Indian Profit League but many don’t like its prosperity.
Lalit Modi, the person behind the idea of IPL and who turned the cricket into ‘Cricketainment, ’is in problem. The reason is simple; he dared to mess with a politician, ‘Union minister of state for external affairs’ Shashi Tharoor.
Though, the squabble backfired Tharoor who allegedly tried to help his girlfriend Sunanda Pushkar in the whole deal of IPL Kochi team. The probe is ordered, Tharoor has been fired and Sunanda Pushkar resigned from her role in the Kochi team.
The case has opened the Pandora box of the problems for many in Board for Cricket Control of India (BCCI). People including several politicians have started raising fingers over the involvement of hundred of crore rupees ‘black money’ in the IPL business.
Sport has become a business and so has politics. There is no difference between both the fields as there are great chances of earning huge money in both the genres.
No political party is exception in making their ‘persistent’ efforts to improve the condition of sports. Please don’t overlook, I mean cricket for sports here.
It is the tragedy of the nation that the politicians poke their nose in sports, apparently for their vested interests.
Though, all the sports are not great earner of the money and so you would not find many politicians in other sports. Say, Badminton or for that matter any other sports ranging from Kabbaddi, Kho-Kho, High jump, Long jump, wrestling and so on and so forth – not many politicians are interested in it.
Leaders like Sharad Pawar, Rajeev Shukla, Lalu Prasad Yadav, Arun Jaitely, Narendra Modi and several others are interested in alleviating the standard of cricket. It seems they damn care of improving standards of other sports. It is the love for cricket or lust for money, only god knows.
I believe, the politicians must keep themselves involved in the politics and they should leave sports for the sportspersons. Not only me, many believe in the country that the sportspersons would better take care of the sports.
Lalit Modi, the person behind the idea of IPL and who turned the cricket into ‘Cricketainment, ’is in problem. The reason is simple; he dared to mess with a politician, ‘Union minister of state for external affairs’ Shashi Tharoor.
Though, the squabble backfired Tharoor who allegedly tried to help his girlfriend Sunanda Pushkar in the whole deal of IPL Kochi team. The probe is ordered, Tharoor has been fired and Sunanda Pushkar resigned from her role in the Kochi team.
The case has opened the Pandora box of the problems for many in Board for Cricket Control of India (BCCI). People including several politicians have started raising fingers over the involvement of hundred of crore rupees ‘black money’ in the IPL business.
Sport has become a business and so has politics. There is no difference between both the fields as there are great chances of earning huge money in both the genres.
No political party is exception in making their ‘persistent’ efforts to improve the condition of sports. Please don’t overlook, I mean cricket for sports here.
It is the tragedy of the nation that the politicians poke their nose in sports, apparently for their vested interests.
Though, all the sports are not great earner of the money and so you would not find many politicians in other sports. Say, Badminton or for that matter any other sports ranging from Kabbaddi, Kho-Kho, High jump, Long jump, wrestling and so on and so forth – not many politicians are interested in it.
Leaders like Sharad Pawar, Rajeev Shukla, Lalu Prasad Yadav, Arun Jaitely, Narendra Modi and several others are interested in alleviating the standard of cricket. It seems they damn care of improving standards of other sports. It is the love for cricket or lust for money, only god knows.
I believe, the politicians must keep themselves involved in the politics and they should leave sports for the sportspersons. Not only me, many believe in the country that the sportspersons would better take care of the sports.