Right proposal from the Right wing

BJP wants to take the power ride. Ram temple issue is too old to win this ride. Party needs fresh ideas and newly appointed president of BJP understands this well. He has presented the ‘old wine in new bottle’ and this wine does not seem to be deleterious for nation’s health, as Hindus and Muslims, both, would find it yummy.
Since the inception of the Ayodhya issue, the right wing never tuned its tone as soft as national president of BJP, Gadkari did during recent national conclave at
He asked Muslims to be generous to not oppose the construction of grand temple at disputed site. Even, he allured them saying that the party would facilitate the construction of mosque beside the temple. The tone is new and has never been heard by anyone, at least from the saffron brigade.
I think, he is trying to find out the practical solution of the problem and the plot to erect BJP’s building. He mentioned that the litigations are pending in the court for the resolution of the dispute and the verdict would not serve the purpose because one party would win and other may lose.
The visionary Gadkari is also aiming to hit the two birds from a single stone. As his proposal would neither annoy the ‘moderate’ Hindus, those are looking for the resolution of the dispute, nor would it send a wrong message to the Muslims that injustice has been done to them.
I used the moderate world because the Vishva Hindu Parishad and Shiv Sena have already registered their protest. The supreme of these parties, Ashok Singhal and Bal Thackeray, have said that “Ram temple is religious issue not a political issue. BJP or for that matter any party must refrain from taking any decision of its own, as it would bring dishonor to the several Karsevaks who sacrificed their life for the cause of Hindus.
Why the hell they don’t understand that the days of decisive politics are gone and they are gonna get nothing from such politics. Except, killing or maiming some innocents and making the life of their loved one’s hellish.
He knows and also understands it well that the developmental politics is the future and the construction of temple would alleviate the stature of the BJP among the parties supporting Hindu cause.
Though. in his complete speech of 7993 words, he spoke only 103 words on temple issue, mere 1.3 percent of total speech, but all the media, print, electronic, web, blew its as it was the core of his speech. Whatever, media know well what sells. Gadkari also knows well what sells and he is selling what is in trend, as he is a businessman turned politician.
Even, his vision is politically correct also. I too share the view of Nitin Gadkari, “This initiative would herald a new amity and reinforce the bond for a resurgent