Jinnah divides BJP

Mohamed Ali Jinnah again the reason of division, this time in Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP). Jinnah’s jinx formed factions of different ideologies in the party, which claims to be a party with a difference. Last week, Jaswant Singh was expelled from the party for writing against party’s ‘core ideology’ in his recent book ‘Jinnah – India – Partition – Independence’, which applauded the role of Jinnah and criticises Nehru and Sardar Patel for their role in the partition of the country in 1947.
Jaswant is under fire from with in the party and outside for his comments over his controversial statements on the partition of the country. This is not the first time that Jinnah has created problem for saffron party. In 2005, Advani has suffered a lot for tagging Mohamed Ali Jinnah as a ‘secular’ leader. Mr. Advani had to resign from the post of party president.
Aiming to not upset the vote bank, BJP president Rajnath Singh announced that Jaswant Singh has been expelled from the party for uttering words against Sardar Patel which is against the core belief of the party. The book has been banned in BJP ruled Gujarat. BJP did not mentioned Jinnah as the BJP stalwart Advani had praised him in past and naming him can backfire BJP itself.
Jaswant Singh who is saddened by party’s decision said that he used to be the Hanuman of the saffron party but he has become Ravana now. He urged that the party must read the whole book and then it should come to a decision. According to Singh, Patel was the person who imposed ban on Rastriya Swayma Sevak Sangh, soon after the death of Mahatama Gandhi. Mr. Singh stood by Advani in 2005 but Advani’s comments on the episode – ‘It was painful but mandatory decision’ – shows that he has very short memory.
Jaswant Singh was not given even show cause notice to defend himself. The saffron Party is of the view that his views in his book are against party’s core belief and an immediate stern action was needed. A party with a difference, BJP, forgot that a even a hardcore murderer like Ajmal Amir Kasab, who killed many people in Mumbai attack, is given chance to defend himself in Indian court but party forgot the process of justice in the case. At least, the party leadership must call upon Jaswant for an explanation before punishing him.
Singh raised the Kandahar issue mentioning that all the ministers including Advani were aware of the decision of releasing terrorists with exchange of 166 Air India passengers. He clarified that he spoke a lie in past for defending Advani, who said that he was not aware of the decision, in the time of election because it could have adverse effect on election results for the BJP.
In this drama, Jaswant Singh’s book has become the best seller and is very much in demand. Literary and artistic work should not be banned. Like Jaswant book, BJP government in Chhattisgarh has banned the late Habib Tanveer’s play Charandas Chor. BJP or for that matter any political party must ponder over the lines of former Prime Minister and BJP stalwart Atal Bihari Vajpayee that the answer to a book is a book, not a protest or a ban.
It is the general idea in India that Mohamed Ali Jinnah was the person who proposed two-nation theory and caused partition of the country in 1947 after a blood bath in which millions of people were killed, injured and many more were displaced. Though, there are several known and unknown facades of Jinnah exist in Indian and Pakistan’s history books.
BJP leaders are aware of the core beliefs of the party but the then party president Advani praised Mohammad Ali Jinnah for his ‘secular’ speech after the partition. BJP and Sangh leaders were fumed at Advani and he had to resign from the post of party president. But, this time party can not afford to give lesser punishment because BJP stalwart has not only praised Jinnah but also showed Sardar Patel and Nehru’s role in partition of the country in negative light.
Following incidents after Jaswant episode have created a crisis in the party. Sudhindra Kulkarni reigned from the party for not having freedom of expression with in the party. Kulkarni was questioned for his newspaper articles in which he suggested to revamp party’s ideology. Arun Shourie has also called the shots against the party top brass and said a jhatka (quick) change in the party is needed. He expressed his view that party has lost its direction and called party president Rajnath ‘Alice in blunderland’. He also said that Rastriya Swayam Sevaka Sangha (RSS) should take party’s command in its hand.
Madanlal Khurana, Uma Bharati and Kalyan Singh like leaders have left BJP in last couple of years. In recent days, Former Rajasthan Chief Minister (CM) Vashundhra Raje, Arun Jaiteley, Arun Shourie, Yashwant Sinha, Bhairo Singh Shekhawat and former Uttarakhand CM Bhavan Chandra Khanduri have raised their voice against the party for different reasons. All thses incidents are sprinkling salt on the festering wounds of BJP, who is recuperating after second continuous defeat in parliamentary elections.
There is no unity of command in the party. Any leader in top brass, including Advani, does not seem to have stature and qualities like Atal Bihari Vajpayee to unify the party members. Atal Bihari was liberal and secular leader with clean image. He enjoyed confidence among the party leaders and allies during his political career. Party has felt his absence in the last elections and missing his presence in the time pf present crisis. BJP has to find its sailor, who can sail the party in the right direction easily with all the members intact despite differences. Party has to modernise itself by revamping its ideology and character as per the demands of the present time. It is in national interest that Indians should have two national parties otherwise the one national party, whether its Congress or BJP, would become irrepressible by the democratic process.