Jinnah divides BJP

Posted by Abhishek Pandey on 11:58:00 in ,

By Abhishek Pandey

Mohamed Ali Jinnah again the reason of division, this time in Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP). Jinnah’s jinx formed factions of different ideologies in the party, which claims to be a party with a difference. Last week, Jaswant Singh was expelled from the party for writing against party’s ‘core ideology’ in his recent book ‘Jinnah – India – Partition – Independence’, which applauded the role of Jinnah and criticises Nehru and Sardar Patel for their role in the partition of the country in 1947.

Jaswant is under fire from with in the party and outside for his comments over his controversial statements on the partition of the country. This is not the first time that Jinnah has created problem for saffron party. In 2005, Advani has suffered a lot for tagging Mohamed Ali Jinnah as a ‘secular’ leader. Mr. Advani had to resign from the post of party president.

Aiming to not upset the vote bank, BJP president Rajnath Singh announced that Jaswant Singh has been expelled from the party for uttering words against Sardar Patel which is against the core belief of the party. The book has been banned in BJP ruled Gujarat. BJP did not mentioned Jinnah as the BJP stalwart Advani had praised him in past and naming him can backfire BJP itself.

Jaswant Singh who is saddened by party’s decision said that he used to be the Hanuman of the saffron party but he has become Ravana now. He urged that the party must read the whole book and then it should come to a decision. According to Singh, Patel was the person who imposed ban on Rastriya Swayma Sevak Sangh, soon after the death of Mahatama Gandhi. Mr. Singh stood by Advani in 2005 but Advani’s comments on the episode – ‘It was painful but mandatory decision’ – shows that he has very short memory.

Jaswant Singh was not given even show cause notice to defend himself. The saffron Party is of the view that his views in his book are against party’s core belief and an immediate stern action was needed. A party with a difference, BJP, forgot that a even a hardcore murderer like Ajmal Amir Kasab, who killed many people in Mumbai attack, is given chance to defend himself in Indian court but party forgot the process of justice in the case. At least, the party leadership must call upon Jaswant for an explanation before punishing him.

Singh raised the Kandahar issue mentioning that all the ministers including Advani were aware of the decision of releasing terrorists with exchange of 166 Air India passengers. He clarified that he spoke a lie in past for defending Advani, who said that he was not aware of the decision, in the time of election because it could have adverse effect on election results for the BJP.

In this drama, Jaswant Singh’s book has become the best seller and is very much in demand. Literary and artistic work should not be banned. Like Jaswant book, BJP government in Chhattisgarh has banned the late Habib Tanveer’s play Charandas Chor. BJP or for that matter any political party must ponder over the lines of former Prime Minister and BJP stalwart Atal Bihari Vajpayee that the answer to a book is a book, not a protest or a ban.

It is the general idea in India that Mohamed Ali Jinnah was the person who proposed two-nation theory and caused partition of the country in 1947 after a blood bath in which millions of people were killed, injured and many more were displaced. Though, there are several known and unknown facades of Jinnah exist in Indian and Pakistan’s history books.

BJP leaders are aware of the core beliefs of the party but the then party president Advani praised Mohammad Ali Jinnah for his ‘secular’ speech after the partition. BJP and Sangh leaders were fumed at Advani and he had to resign from the post of party president. But, this time party can not afford to give lesser punishment because BJP stalwart has not only praised Jinnah but also showed Sardar Patel and Nehru’s role in partition of the country in negative light.

Following incidents after Jaswant episode have created a crisis in the party. Sudhindra Kulkarni reigned from the party for not having freedom of expression with in the party. Kulkarni was questioned for his newspaper articles in which he suggested to revamp party’s ideology. Arun Shourie has also called the shots against the party top brass and said a jhatka (quick) change in the party is needed. He expressed his view that party has lost its direction and called party president Rajnath ‘Alice in blunderland’. He also said that Rastriya Swayam Sevaka Sangha (RSS) should take party’s command in its hand.

Madanlal Khurana, Uma Bharati and Kalyan Singh like leaders have left BJP in last couple of years. In recent days, Former Rajasthan Chief Minister (CM) Vashundhra Raje, Arun Jaiteley, Arun Shourie, Yashwant Sinha, Bhairo Singh Shekhawat and former Uttarakhand CM Bhavan Chandra Khanduri have raised their voice against the party for different reasons. All thses incidents are sprinkling salt on the festering wounds of BJP, who is recuperating after second continuous defeat in parliamentary elections.

There is no unity of command in the party. Any leader in top brass, including Advani, does not seem to have stature and qualities like Atal Bihari Vajpayee to unify the party members. Atal Bihari was liberal and secular leader with clean image. He enjoyed confidence among the party leaders and allies during his political career. Party has felt his absence in the last elections and missing his presence in the time pf present crisis. BJP has to find its sailor, who can sail the party in the right direction easily with all the members intact despite differences. Party has to modernise itself by revamping its ideology and character as per the demands of the present time. It is in national interest that Indians should have two national parties otherwise the one national party, whether its Congress or BJP, would become irrepressible by the democratic process.


Not free in free nation

Posted by Abhishek Pandey on 17:33:00 in ,

By Abhishek Pandey

India celebrated its 62nd Independence Day with pride. Is it really a matter of pride? Of course, yes. Many freedom fighters lost their lives to set India free. Their efforts bring fruits in the form of a free and sovereign country for the future generation. It was a great achievement after a long period of colonial era. India has travelled a long distance in last six decades in all the spheres. But, the domain of freedom has extended its reach or not, it is doubtful.

One question always trouble my conscience that who were the people got freedom on 15 August, 1947. Had all the Indians got freedom on that fortunate day? Practically, the answer of this important question is no. All Indians are not free. This was the freedom in true means for few sections of the people. It seems it was the freedom of politicians, Police administration, government officers and the elite class. For others, Master got changed but situation have not changed expectedly.

Politicians are free to play a ‘constructive’ role in corruption and get away easily by their influence. They have all the right to interrupt parliamentary proceedings through their uncivilised ways. They have the right to have disproportionate asset. They are also free to make their won statues at public place on government expenditure. They can make castist, sexist, communal statement to play the vote bank politics. They enjoy their freedom of speech at the cost of other’s freedom.

Police is free to do fake encounters, harass poor people and be inefficient in need. Police officials can also make defamatory remarks and can declare a person criminal without investigation as it happened in Aarushi-Hemraj murder case. Criminal loot and murder in bright day light and move away freely. They are also free to contest elections and enjoy political power until final verdict comes. In the same manner, Government officials are free to settle the matter under the table as it is their fundamental right. They can delay your work if you don’t grease their palms. They enjoy their freedom without any timely and proper supervision.

In contrast, Aam aadmi is still waiting for the true freedom in a 62 years old free country. Aam aadmi keep waiting on the cross roads or in the queue of religious institutions like temples, mosque and Dargah unless the so called elites pass on. Is this is definition of the equality in a largest democratic nation? Every second Indian is affected with the ‘Do you know me’ syndrome. Tenders, jobs and other favours are considered on the validity of this rhetoric. Discrimination of several forms among the different sections, communities, caste, religious groups are evident even after six decades of independence.

Women and girls can not go to bars freely because ‘moral police’ like Sri Ram Sene feel it is against Indian culture and ethos. Girl students and women teachers can not clad themselves in the attire of their choice because college administrations desire to curb their freedom. Couples can not stroll together in the parks or street because our police feel, it offends decency.

Friendship Day and Valentine’s Day are celebrated secretly as if it is illegal to have a good time on special occasion. But, most of the youngsters avoid having fun in public place because Bajrang Dal and Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) don’t like their freedom. The celebrations on such occasions need their approval.

People from North-India can not go to Mumbai for livelihood because it affects the interest of locals. Hindi speaking people are killed in north-eastern states for earning their bread in other state with in their own country. North eastern and Jammu and Kashmir people face alienation in other metropolitan cities. They don’t get accommodation easily.

People with in their own country are outsiders and not free to move freely. Is this is the definition of freedom, which we got six decades ago? I think these people don’t know about the fundamental rights which include freedom of movement in any part of India. It is always believed that India is a country with unity in diversity. But, this believe seems to be shattered in thousand pieces when we hear about above mentioned incidents.

Few people, regional leaders and political parties have forgotten the true meaning of freedom thought of by our freedom fighters. How can a nation celebrate its independence when the freedom has not reached to aam aadmi. Many jingoists would defy these arguments but the situation draw the stark picture of reality. It is important for our government and all the Indian to re-conceive the idea of true India. Otherwise we, Indians, will keep waiting for the true freedom. We have to become mature at 62 to enjoy and celebrate the Independence Day.

Jawaharlal Nehru said on the First Independence day in his speech Tryst with destiny, “At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom. A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the old to the new, when an age ends, and when the soul of a nation, long suppressed, finds utterance.

Freedom and power bring responsibility. The responsibility rests upon this Assembly, a sovereign body representing the sovereign people of India. Before the birth of freedom we have endured all the pains of labour and our hearts are heavy with the memory of this sorrow. Some of those pains continue even now. Nevertheless, the past is over and it is the future that beckons to us now. His words are still relevant even after six decades because we are still yawning.


Not ready for this reality

Posted by Abhishek Pandey on 15:48:00 in ,
By Abhishek Pandey
Indian small screen has taken a giant leap in a new phenomenon of reality shows. Whether, it is an apparent copy cat business of formats used in west or typically new formats of reality shows. It is happening in India.

It is a significant question that we are ready to be receptive of these kinds of reality shows. In the age of commercialization, actress like Jade Goodie showed her sufferings of cancer and death to the world on the small screen. Indian producers of soap operas have decided to opt similar formats for immediate money making. ‘Sach ka Samna’ which is copy of American show ‘Moment of Truth’ has exposed the bed room secrets of the contestants in the starting episodes.

The show came in to controversy from the very first episode when host asked a woman contestant, Smita Mathai, “If your husband never came to know about it. Would you consider sleeping with another man?" She denied to this in her answer but polygraph test refuted her reply and she lost. These kinds of similar personal questions created furor in the Rajya Sabha for violating the program code of Cable Television Network Act, 1995. Members of Parliament opposing the show believe that it is against Indian values and culture. They said that it offends decency on family entertainment channels.

It is the known truth that controversy and success travels together. The TRP (Television Rating Point) of the show raised as news channels highlighted the questions of show’s viability in Indian context. The show continued walking on controversial path when Vinod kambali’s remarks on his and Sachin’s friendship made headlines. Vinod Kambli said that his friendship with Sachin Tendulkar was like Sholey’s Jai and Viru. Kambali revealed that he was the person who always sacrificed in their friendship like Jai did in Sholey. He also said that Sachin could save his career. Did Vinod never get suitable platform to utter this truth?

The contestant is asked more than 50 questions prior to the show and he/she undergoes a polygraph test during the question-answer session. The result of polygraph test is not revealed to the contestant and they are asked 21 selected questions out of 51 questions. The questions peep in to the private life of the contestants. The questions become more difficult and private as show moves further.

Questions in the higher stage of the show are generally very personal and embarrassing. These questions vary from bed room secrets to the thinking of the contestant on the controversial issues. The contestant wins nothing if his/her answer is false as per polygraph test or s/he declines to give the answer. The contestant has to answer the question if it is asked otherwise s/he would get nothing. The format compels the contestants to answer the questions to get the prize money.

Rajiv Khandelwal, who is the anchor of the show, said in an interview that the theme of the program should be appreciated as it inspires people to speak the truth. But the important question is that ‘Do we need to expose our private life in front of camera for the sack of earning few lakhs of rupees. He said that the people who are opposing the format of the show must appreciate that people are speaking the truth. Many questions in the show are hypothetical and have no relevance to the reality.

There are several other questions troubling the conscience of the people. Can’t we speak truth without the greed of getting good amount of money from the producer of these kinds of show? Rajiv replied to one question by saying that the show would give chance to contestants to speak the truth which they might have not reveled to their loved ones in their life time? Do we need reasons and platform to speak the truth to our friends and closed ones?

There are many truth revealed on the show which broke many hearts. It is doubtful that the show will strengthen the family ties or it will shatter the relations. There is one saying which reads that some truth should not be spoken for good reasons. But the biggest truth on earth seems to be ‘Money’.

Producers and few others in the media industry believe that the show does not hurt the sentiments of the people. This lot believes, “if you don’t like it, don’t watch it.’ I fear that these people would demand to broadcast porn movies on the family channels because according to them, one can switch the channel any time. Adults may decide, correctly or incorrectly, to decide their selective channel or programs but what about the children? We must think on this part of the truth.

Minister for Information and Broadcasting Ambika Soni urged that private television channels to evolve self-regulatory mechanism so that their programs do not hurt the people’s sentiments. Government has so far favoured self-regulation over an imposed content code, but the parliament may bring a content code in black and white for electronic media in the wake of this kind of unresolved serious issues. The imposed code has always been protested by the media personnel. Media must ensure to follow the self regulation.

Entertainment channels should restraint themselves from broadcasting vulgar and obscene content on family entertainment channels. Prakash Jawedkar of BJP and Kamal Akhtar of Samajwadi Party demanded that the show must be banned. But, many people are of the view that banning the show is not the permanent solution to stop this kind of broadcasting. Self regulation is the panacea for this critical problem. Media regulation by the government would be disaster for a free media but media should not forget its ‘Laxman Rekha’ while racing for the TRP.


Bahuguna trapped in Mayajaal

Posted by Abhishek Pandey on 22:00:00 in , ,

By Abhishek Pandey

The politics over rape in Uttar Pradesh has ignited the fire which gutted the house of Dr Rita Bahuguna Joshi. Ms Joshi was upset over the distribution of money to the rape victims instead of justice. During her rally at Moradabad, She forgot all the ‘Laxman Rekhas’ of politics and made an objectionable and inflammatory statement against Uttar Pradesh chief minister Mayawati. Her statements ignited the fire which burn down her own house at Lucknow. Her house and four vehicles were set afire by unidentified persons, who were allegedly escorted by a BSP MLA and other party members.

It is very contradictory that both the women are the leader of women empowerment in Uttar Pradesh and now, both are standing against each other. Mayawati is Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh and Bahuguna is president of UP Congress committee. Both are on important posts in the largest populated Indian state. It is the matter of proud and shame at the same time because two women are on important posts but both can’t work together for the welfare of the state or for women empowerment.

Politics is all about statements whether they are logical or illogical. In election time, the statements become more important but creating conducive ambience after the election cause damage to ideal politics. Earlier, these kind of abusive remarks were limited to election period. But, timing has no significance in present context.

It is the fact that girls and women were raped in different districts of Uttar Pradesh and compensation was given indiscriminately. It does not mean that Ms Bahuguna would be given right to bring disgrace to a woman by offering one crore rupees for illegal and indecent act. Mayawati said that Ms Bahuguna’s remarks were not pardonable but she forgot her statements when she said the same for Mulayam’s kith and kin. It seems that politicians have short memory.

Congress party disassociated itself from the controversy. Rahul Gandhi said that the language used was unfortunate but the sentiment was right. Congress President Sonia Gandhi had also uttered the same. Politics has become a cesspool because of this kind of dirty politics. Politicians have to think above their vested interest for the development of the nation. Maya does not buy Congress ideology but supporting it at center. Even, Congress party does not agree with Maya’s statue politics and on other issues. Both the parties blame each other for lack of development in the state. But, their political knot is tight at center. This is hypocrisy in their attitude and they must change it.

CB-CID enquiry has been ordered in arson case at Ms Bahuguna’s home. And, many cases are filed against Bahuguna for her inflammatory speech. Both the leaders can gratify their ego but there are many cases in the state where no FIR is filed, forget about the enquiry. Leaders should come down to the ground, from where they started, to sense the reality. Whatever, Bahugana’s remarks are unacceptable but following incidents after remarks are also of serious concern. Indian leaders should avoid these tracks of politics.


Homosexuals say cheers

Posted by Abhishek Pandey on 19:10:00 in

By Abhishek Pandey

Gays, lesbians, transgender and bisexuals are cheering over the Delhi High court decision to decriminalise homosexual relations. Delhi high court judge AP Shah and S Murlidhar have decriminialsied consensual homosexuals acts between two adults in private place in their 105 pages verdict in Na Foundation Vs. Union of India case. This verdict not only ensure the equality before the law on the ground of ‘what we are’ but also keep the privacy of an individual. Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transgender (LGBT)

Gays, lesbians and relations with transgender are not acceptable in the Indian society. But, no one can be punished from today for having sex with same gender. Vikram Seth has rightly pointed out that this verdict would made them feel that they were not unarrested criminals.

Delhi High court has given a historic judgment. According to this decision, consensual homosexual relations between two adult men or two adult women or with transgender in private place are not illegal. Earlier, these relations were categorized as unnatural offences and person indulging in it could be booked under section 377 of Indian Penal code. The punishment for the offence is 10 years rigorous imprisonment. Police men can not humiliate or harrass the men or women with different sexual orientation. This is the apparent truth that in many cases peole have been tortured by cops and police men have made their pocket money out of these persons’ sexual prefrence.

It has started a fresh debate over homosexual relations in the country. All the religious institutions and right wing parties have came forward to oppose the scrapping of Section 377 of Indian penal code for homosexuals. Section 377 of Indian penal code prohibits any citizen of India indulging in ‘unnatural sex’, whether it is with children, men, women or animals. The person booked under this act could be punished for 10 years of imprisonment.

Many religious gurus, Maulavi and Bishops opined that it is unnatural and against the will of the mighty God. It is against religion and society. Few members of this lot think that the court decision would increase adultery and other family problems.

Yog Guru Ramdev said in a television debate that it is against Indian ethos and Indian culture. It is unnatural and shameful act. He added that gays and lesbians are mentally retarded people and they need treatment not encouragement. In the similar fashion Darul Uloom has said that it is a kind of disease and averse to all the religions in India. Siromani Gurudwara Prabhandak Samiti (SGPC) have also voiced against gay, lesbians and bisexuals.

National Aids Control Organisation have mentioned that crinalisation of homosexuals act have hampered their efforts to eradicate the desease from the country. Homosexuals don’t come forward for medical care because of legal barriers. Religious leaders forget about the society while raising their voice for pseudo ‘moral values’.

Bollywood have also made many films on homosexual relations. Fire was the first movie to showcase the lesbain relations. Girlfriend, My broher Nilhil, Page3 and Dostana followed the trend by higlighting the grim reality of homosexual relations in our society.

It is the reality that homosexuakls exist in our society. It is silly that we keep our eyes closed from the realityand it is more irresposnsibel on the part of a civilised society that we prohibit any person to live their life with his/her own prefrences in life. Those are opposing have forgotten that if it would remain illegal then there would be more problems. For example, If person is forced to live with opposite gender then family related problems would increase. There would be mess in the family and the life of two individual will be at risk. On the oher hand, there would be no problem in homosexual relation of consensual adults. It is the reality and we must accept it.

Posted by Abhishek Pandey on 23:00:00


Why discriminate against girls?

Posted by Abhishek Pandey on 20:21:00 in
By Abhishek Pandey

Council of Degree College principles have decided to ban mobile phones for all students and wearing jeans for girl students in the colleges in Kanpur. The latter decision taken by principles have created furor among the girl students and women organization. In the wake of unconstitutional decisions taken by the university professors, Uttar Pradesh government has warned universities and colleges to stay away from theses kinds of unconstitutional norms in the colleges.

Earlier, the similar decision taken by the Principle of Dayanand Girls Degree College was criticized by the feminist groups. The principal of the college said in an interview, which was published in the newspaper, that the body hugging jeans invite sexually coloured remarks to girl students and it might tempt eve teasers. The reason of ban given by the principal was not justifiable. It is like that ‘Don’t earn money because it might invite thieves to rob you.’ The victims of eve teasing were given punishment rather to put a stop on eve teasing and other molestation cases in the city, which happen with the girls without any discrimination on the ground of attires. The council wants to clad girl students in ‘modest’ dresses like salwar suits to protect girls from the uncontrollable activities of bad elements.

Most of the women organizations are of the view that it is total infringement of women’s fundamental rights which are enshrined in the constitution of India. Article 15 of the constitution prohibits any one to discriminate any citizen of India on the ground of sex, caste or religion. Article 21 of the constitution gives the rights to everyone to move freely and live life with dignity. The decision of the council does not give a damn to it. It seems that Principles of degree colleges are ignoramus about the constitutional rights of women.

The council has not given any special instruction to boys on dress code. This discrimination is against the constitution. Though, Article 39 of Indian constitution enables the state institutions to take affirmative actions for women empowerment but the institution seems to work against it. Indian government and other non government institutions are fighting for the rights of women because the progress of the nation can not speed up without including the female population, which amount to 48% of the total population. Even after the independence the female literacy ration could not cross 50% though government has implemented special educational schemes for the girls. These discriminatory decisions would discourage girls morally and made them feel second class citizens.

Recently, France President Nicholas Sarkozy has decided that veiling, which is prevalent in Islamic culture, was not welcome in the country because it was no a symbol of religion but sign of subservience for women. Indian intelligencia like professors of Chatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University (Kanpur) should learn lessons from the France.

Police administration of the city must ensure the safety of the girls from the bad elements of the society. Banning jeans is not an appropriate solution to put a stop on these wrongdoings. It will rather boost the morale of hooligans. Either college administration should make similar rules for both genders or they should restrain themselves from taking unfair norms. Modesty in college dress is needed. As for as the dress code in the colleges is concerned, not only girls but also boys should follow the self made regulations to maintain the decorum of the educational institutes.


D for Dynasty

Posted by Abhishek Pandey on 18:50:00 in , ,

By Abhishek Pandey

D connotes a bad word in economic capital and Bollywood city Mumbai which resembles Dawood & co. It haunted the city for so many years and has given innumerable wounds to the city. ‘D’ exists in Delhi also but means something else. Here, it means dynasty. It is also bad for the health of Delhi, the political capital of the country.

Indians are not allergic to dynastic politics in the country since independence. Nehru- Gandhi family has ruled the country for so many years. This trend is mushrooming and expanding its tentacles like anything in recent times.  From Kashmir valley to Kanyakumari and from Arabian Sea to Bay of Bengal, dynastic politics exist in India. This election is not the exception and has given chance to many political scions from different parties. It is the general idea among the entire ‘intellectual class’ that dynasty hurts democracy. India follows the democratic procedures in the elections but there are doubts about democracy with in the political parties. This is the reason many parties in India has become the family business.

Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) in Chennai, Janta Dal (Secular) in Karnataka, Samajwadi Party (SP) in Uttar Pradesh, National Conference (NC) and People’s Democratic Party (PDP) in Jammu and Kashmir, Akalis and Congress in Punjab, Bhajan Lal and sons’ Haryana Janhit Congress (HJC) and former deputy PM of India Devi Lal and family’s Indian National Lok Dal (INLD) in Haryana, Lalu and family’s Rastriya Janta Dal (RJD) in Bihar, Chauvan and Thackeray in Maharashtra are few of the parties dominated by dynasty in the country. These are the example of few families which have ruled the political platform in their respective states.

After this election, DMK chief Karunanidhi has demanded cabinet births for his family members including his niece Dayanidhi Maran, Stalin, M. Azhagiri, and her daughter Kanimozhi. It seems he has prepared his political will for the family. He has offered his son M. Azhagiri and Dayanidhi Maran cabinet births after hard negotiation with the Congress and elevated the stature of his son Stalin by making him deputy chief minister of Tamilnadu. Karunakaran’s family has ruled the Kerala for long. NT Ramarao and his son in law Chandrababu Naidu has enjoyed the power in Andhra Pradesh.  

Mulayam Singh of SP is not an exception. He has given tickets to his family members. His brother, son and nephew have the benefit of special consideration in the party. Shiv Pal Yadav, his brother holds important position in the party. His son has contested from two seats and won both the seats in these Lok Sabha elections. His nephew Dharmendra Yadav has also won from Badaun by defeating DP Yadav, a don turned politician. Rastriya Lok Dal (RLD) leader Ajit Singh is the son of former Prime Minister Charan Singh. In Bihar, Lalu has been promoting his wife Rabri, brothers in law Sadhu and Subhash Yadav, Brother Gulab Yadav, sister in law Kunti Devi for long. Though, his brothers in law have separated from the party and joined the congress party.

Punjab is another example of this ill trend. Badal’s are ruling in the state. Prakash Singh Badal as Chief Minister, who is set to transfer his political chair to his son Sukhbhir Singh Badal, Deputy CM of Punjab. Harsimrat Kaur, wife of Sukhbir Singh has also entered in the political arena. Capt. Amrinder Singh of congress has also promoted his son and wife in the politics. In Orissa, Patnayak family has also led the Orissa and still Naveen Patnayak is the chief minister of the state. 

Now, if we look at the recent emergence of new faces from the political families in this General elections then it can scare a true democrat.  Many young turks have got the chance to step in Lok Sabha. It is good news but the sad part of the story is that most of them are from political families. Politics is not their achievement but they have got them from their parents. Rahul Gandhi, Priya Dutt, Nilesh Rane, Milind Deora, Sachin Pilot, Jyotiraditya Scindhia, Jitin Prasad of Congress. The names of theses family born leaders does not stop here. It also includes youngest MP of the India, Hamidullah Sayeed of congress.

This List is not only from Congress party. Manvendra Singh, son of BJP stalwart Jaswant Singh, Supriya Sule of NCP, and Akhilesh Yadav of SP has political background. Agatha Sangma, who became the MP in the last by polls and also won this election, is the daughter of National Congress Party leader and former Lok Sabha speaker PA Sangma. D. Purandeswari of Telgu Desham Party is the daughter of actor turned politician NT Ramarao. The list continues with other leaders of different parties. All these leaders have reached the parliament from their bedroom of their house by holding the finger of their parents. Is this the lot, we want as young leaders?

These leaders may or may not believe that they have got back door entry in politics. They may be under illusion that they did hard to get in the parliament. But, fact remains the same that they opt short cut. We need the young blood in Indian politics but not when others are neglected and have not given chance to represent the people. India is democratic state but it will turn in to a neo-monarchic state, if parties remain to follow the dynastic trails. India needs democracy with in the political parties.

Are we ready for the change ?



The rise of Rahul Gandhi

Posted by Abhishek Pandey on 13:05:00 in , ,
By Abhishek Pandey

Rahul Gandhi is the man of the series of Indian Political League (IPL) 2009. Congress performed well and stunned all in the political sphere, even its own people by its magnificent performance in this Lok Sabha elections. And, many political pundits believe that credit goes to Yuvraaj. It is said in media that it was Congress wave across the nation but no one can deny Rahul’s charismatic and innovative campaigning, which brought sweet fruits for the party. A Harvard and St. Stephens’ alma mater Rahul entered in the political arena in March 2004 by declaring to contest from Amethi. His performance is really appreciable with in the five years of his political career.

Rahul started his pan India journey to swung votes in favour of the congress and held maximum number of rallies during canvassing amounting to 106 rallies across the nation. Rahul did not leave any stone unturned and reached every nook and corner to impress every section of the people. He went to university campuses, attended Muslim, Hindu and Sikh worship places; and worked with the labourers under National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) in Rajasthan. 

In the start of campaigning, political intellects believed that Rahul is a naïve and would be of no use for congress in the elections. Priyanka Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi were adorable for the Aam Aadmi. This love and affection for the dynasty turned in to votes and resulted in congress’ bravura victory in the elections over National Democratic Alliance (NDA) and other political fronts. But, love for the dynasty was not the only reason. Congress performed well in Punjab, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh (MP) and Uttar Pradesh (UP) on its development plank.

Youth factor of Rahul worked nicely in the country with more than 200 electorates aged between 18-35. He proposed his idea in congress meetings to give more tickets to young leaders. The effect of this can be seen in the results. India have more young MPs like Rahul, Sachin Pilot, Naveen Jindal, Jiten Prasad, Milind Deora, Jyotiraditya Scindia, Deepender Hooda, Sandeep Dikshit, Ahmad Hamdullah Sayeed, Mausam Noor, Nilesh Rane and Dr. Jyoti Mirdha.

It is expected that Rahul would propose few names to be included in the cabinet or at least for MoS (Minister for State) seats to encourage youths in the politics. But his youth magic was limited to the son and daughters of the politicians. Most of the youth candidates came from political families. It would be more motivating for the youths if he would have thought beyond political families. Whatever, youth factor paid well to Congress party.

Rahul Gandhi went from one village to another village in the far flung areas of UP and MP and dined Dal, Roti and Chatni with Dalits. Despite Mayawati’s claim that Rahul Gandhi washed his hands with a ‘special soap’ and took bath after visiting any Dalit family, Dalits turned in to support the party. Frankly speaking, I don’t know that how accurate she was about Rahul’s bathroom affairs. Her accusations did not seem to work in the state. State registered a swift of Dalit and Muslims votes towards Congress.

Rahul decided to go alone in Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and Jharkhand after its allies offer them a few seats to contest in these states. Rahul’s political intuition was right and congress performed very well in Uttar Pradesh by doubling its figures. The fair weather friends of Congress had to repent for their mistake to not go with Congress. Lalu Prasad Yadav of Rastriya Janta Dal (RJD) accepted his blunder after the declaration of the results. It was the victory of Rahul over the big political mascots.

Rahul gave some controversial statements including about Babri Mosque demolition and division of Pakistan. He said "if anyone from the Gandhi-Nehru family had been active in politics then, the Babri Masjid would not have fallen". His statement was offensive to many congress men and also demeaned then Prime Minister Narshima Rao. He came in to controversy when he ignorantly uttered politically incorrect statement on Pakistan division, “Gandhi family decides on something, it makes sure that is accomplished - whether it is throwing out the British, breaking up Pakistan or taking India into the 21st century.”

His statement about Pakistan’s braking up was unacceptable for many diplomats and also angered Bangladeshis. It raised eyebrows of political stalwarts with in and outside the congress.  His name was dragged in to a controversy of Sukanya Devi gang rape case on the unconfirmed articles on Internet. This was not confirmed by any main stream media or any government institutions.

His love affair with Spanish girlfriend Veronique, an architect whom he met in England, make us remember the clamour on her mothers’ foreign origin. Some website reported and also published the pictures of Rahul with, as called in media, Juanita, a Venezuelan or Colombian waitress. His educational profile was also doubted by some main stream media houses. He has proved his calibre and political competence by swinging votes in favour of United Progressive Alliance (UPA).

Kuch bhi ho, Jo jeeta wohi Sikandar. 

Amidst the demands from his supporters to see him on higher profile in the party, Rahul was appointed a general secretary of the All India Congress Committee on 24 September 2007. He was also given charge of the Youth Congress and the National Students Union of India. Despite Manmohan Singh’s offer to any cabinet post for him, he chose to strengthen the party. This might be the indication that he is not interested in cabinet post or he has the aspiration to become the PM.

Rahul Gandhi is the ‘successor’ of political lineage of Gandhis. Since, Priyanka Gandhi has humbly refused to come in to active politics, at least not now. It is anticipated that Manmohan Singh would set aside after two or more years as PM, may be by citing health reasons, and Rahul Gandhi would become the Prime Minister of India. 


Why Congress won, BJP lost?

Posted by Abhishek Pandey on 16:02:00 in ,

By Abhishek Pandey

Speculations are over with the counting of votes. People of India have given the clear mandate for the stable government at the center by saying no to hung parliament. Indian National Congress (INC) has emerged as the largest single party. Congress has come back to power at center with the startling victory on 206 seats in the 15th Lok Sabha elections.

After people’s verdict, many political and poll analyst dropped their jaws and their eyes widened to see the caricature of the next government drawn by the electorates.  Even, Congress party men and spoke person were not anticipating the victory on 206 seats by their party on its own. Congress has helped UPA to touch the tally of 262 seats and is very near to the magic number of 272 needed to form the government. This is the congress’s notable performance in last two decades since 1989.

BJP lost the elections in many states, even in its strongholds. BJP is limited to 116 seats in this General Election, which is less than its 2004 performance, 138 seats. BJP performed badly in Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Delhi, Haryana, and Uttarakhand. Right wing Party has gained little in Bihar, Karnataka and Gujarat, where they wee expecting a clean sweep. Though, its ally in Bihar, Janta Dal (United), has done a very good job by winning 20 seats out of 40 seats.

Not only BJP but its allies also performed poorly in many states except JD (U). Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) decreased from 8 to 4 seats. In Punjab, ‘weak prime minister’ tag to Manmohan Singh cost dearly to BJP and its ally SAD in Sikh dominated Punjab. Contradicting BJP’s view about a Sikh prime ministerial candidate Manmohan Singh, Indian National Congress secretary general Rahul Gandhi coined a term ‘Sher-e-Punjab’ for him which possibly swung the votes in the favour of the party in the state.

In Maharashtra, Shiv Sena and BJP alliance came down from 25 seats in 2004 to 20 seats in 2009.  Metropolitan cities Mumbai and Delhi was swept by Congress party, despite BJP’s strong Internet campaigning. BJP’s campaigning on the Internet to do ‘Obama’ in India was a failure because Internet penetration in India is just 5%. BJP did not think that most netizens would not go to vote in the scorching heat of April-May.

This is the victory of Rahul Gandhi. Aam Aadmi has accepted Rahul Gandhi, Sonia Gandhi and possibly, Manmohan Singh as their leaders. BJP’s poll plank and the tag ‘weak PM’ gifted to Manmohan Singh proved to be a disaster for the party. Negative campaigning backfired BJP badly in the elections. They talked more about terrorism, failures of UPA government; black money in Swiss banks, Bofforse scam and Ram Temple instead of any development plans in the future. But nothing worked for them and party seemed to be confused on its agenda. Electorate also could not understand that what BJP would do for them after coming to power.

Youth factor of Rahul Gandhi worked for Congress in this lection. Rahul Gandhi’s canvassing in slums, villages and in tribal areas brought fruits for the grand old party. His canvassing and ability to mix up with the youths in the universities campuses and in his rallies worked well. Uttar Pradesh, which has given six prime ministers to the country, is known for caste based politics. But voters voted for congress and it shattered Mayawati’s dream to become the prime minister of the country. Dalits, who constituted approx 23% of the state population, get attracted in large numbers to the Congress. It seems that they have also fed up by seeing Mayawati’s statue and memorials on almost every cross-road and park.

Mayawati was expecting a big swell in her seat share in the state but congress maimed her party by attracting Muslims and Dalits to its court. Not going with Samajwadi party in the election helped Congress to increase its seat share from 9 in 2004 to 21 seats in 2009. Samajwadi party (SP), Rastriya Janta Dal (RJD) and Lok Janshakti Party (LJP) repented for not going with Congress in the last general elections. Congress wave across the nation crushed the ambitions of many parties.

It was the wrong notion among the political intellects that Narendra Modi can swing votes any where in the country with his unbeatable vibrant Gujarat dream for every state. Actually, Narendra Modi’s charisma did not work in any pocket of the country. In Bihar, where he did not campaign because JD (U) did not want to annoy its Muslim voters, BJP and JD (U) performed well by winning 32 seats in comparison to 11 seats in 2004 elections. Modi proved to be ineffective in cowbelt also. Varun Gandhi, a new Hindutava face of the right wing party did not do any benefit to the saffron party, not even in Uttar Pradesh.

Madhya Pradesh was also hopeless for the BJP and party’s number dwindled from 25 seats in 2004 to 16 seats in 2009. They did not get the expected gain in Karnataka and Gujarat and gained marginally by one seat and touched the tally of 19 seats and 16 seats respectively. BJP got worst news from Rajasthan and came down to 4 seats from its 21 seats’ tally in 2004. Congress swept Uttarakhand by winning all the five states, where BJP is ruling in the state.

Congress and UPA have significantly improved their performance in many states. Congress have challenged the regional parties like Samajwadi Party, Bahujan Samaj Party, Telgu Desham Party, Shiromani Akali Dal, Shiv Sena and Left parties in their strongholds. Congress with its allies has done a good job in West Bengal, Tamilnadu, Punjab, J&K and Maharashtra. Kerala and West Bengal results have threatened the red brigade. Trinmool congress (TC) won 19 seats in west Bengal. Congress restrained Left parties to a low score of 4 seats in Kerala.

Left parties and BJP conceded its victory and stated that they failed to convey their message to the electorates effectively. This election has brought many changes for many parties. LK Advani has been rejected as the prime minister of the country. BJP has to think about the acceptable candidate for the higher post in the party. Since, Advani is not in the mood to lead the party anymore. It is the right time for senior BJP leaders to replace him and choose someone else as the opposition leader of the party in the lower house. Left should also think about their stand on economical and development issues, which cause their defeat in their strongholds.

The election has also given a message to the next government that the people of India have shown their faith in stability by not giving fractured mandate. But, It is still uncertain that did they vote for the dynasty or for development? 


Train to Delhi

Posted by Abhishek Pandey on 19:03:00 in , ,

By Abhishek Pandey

Train to Delhi has started its journey and May 16 would reveal who would reach the parliament through which route. Uttar Pradesh has been always a major junction for all the trains which have reached Delhi. This trend is going to sever this time as there are more than four parties are sharing the big chunk of seats of UP in this general elections. And all of them are having different leanings. Elections for the world’s largest democracy have started and results would be out on May 16. Each and every big party is trying to get the maximum fuel to their engine to reach Delhi.  

BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) has started a pan India train journey through a special election express train to cover general elections. More than 50 reporters are filing the stories in 12 languages to BBC news service. So it’s a good start to cover a train journey through train. Train journey in India and India political ride are like roller coaster ride for the common people. This time, Train to Delhi would go through potholed tracks or reach their smoothly, no one knows. Because, there is not one but several deciding factors in the form of regional players have emerged. Whatever, government is likely to be a coalition government. And, it is quite difficult to handle for the driver and to appease all the travelers. 

Colotics (Coalition-politics) is really not cup of tea of even experts, this time. Many allies are breaking their bonds with their traditional alliance. Left has clearly stated that they will support the non-BJP and non-Congress government. Third front led by Left parties is also flexing its muscles and expecting that it would be able to woo other parties to their bandwagon. Lalu-Paswan-Mulayam has made another front within the UPA. BJD has broken 11 years long relations with the BJP led NDA.

Colotics is awfully fiddly this time. In recent times, power-shift to regional players has made the situation difficult. No one can take lamb and lion in the same coach of the same train. Bihar coach is a typical example of this trend. Nitish Kumar and Lalu Prasad can not board on the same coach. In UP, Mulayam and Mayawati can not get on the same train. In Tamilnadu, Jayalalita and Karunanidhi can not come together. Mamta Banerjee’s Trinmool Congress and CPI (M) are allergic to each other in West Bengal.

There are many parties which can not go with NDA o UPA because of the fear of losing vote bank. Samajwadi Party (SP) can not go with NDA and Akalis can not go with congress led UPA for the same reason of losing their traditional vote bank of a particular community. The trend is also true in the case of personal hostility with the individuals. UP chief minister Mayawati, who came to power by raising the issues of Dalits, marginalized sections and criminalization of politics, have given the tickets to crorepatis, turncoats and criminals. 

One of them Arun Kumar Shukla alias Anna Shukla, BSP candidate from Unnao, is the main accused of attack on her in state guest house in Lucknow in June 1995. The list does not stop here. It includes Mukhtar Ansari, Dhananjay Singh, DP Yadav, Kadir Rana, Rakesh Pandey, and Rizwan Zahir. All of them have serious criminal cases against them. Dhananjay Singh is allegedly behind the murder of Indian Justice Party Dalit candidate Bahadur Lal Sonekar, who was found hanging from a tree. She is not the only victim of this ill trend. All the parties have set the influential candidates to win the maximum number of seats and have say in post poll scenario.

NDA and UPA both alliances have declared their prime ministerial candidates but both are not sure of post-poll picture. It is possible that big parties may have to compromise with their ideological stance to form a government. The scenario would change its face when results are out. Political tantrums of the parties have started. Mulayam Singh is saying that he would support the government which would dismiss Mayawati’s government. Mamta Banerjee has said in the response of Rahul Gandhi’s comment on Left Support that she would not join hands with Congress if they welcome Left Parties in the UPA. The hunt for the allies is on for the NDA and UPA. Both the alliances are remaining their doors open for the allies. Everything seems uncertain. 

All the parties and big fish are waiting for the May 16. It is also sure after the alliance is decided to rule the country the war would start for choosing the right candidate for the driver of the train (Prime Minister). The power sharing would be decided on the basis of the seats won by the parties with in the coalition though both the major alliance NDA and UPA have declared their prime ministerial candidate.

At the time when all our neighbours including Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh are facing menace of braking down, India needs a stable and decisive government. We must hope that train to Delhi would reach on time and there would be no separate compartments for the different class of people. All of us expect that Indians would enjoy the bump less journey for five years without halting on unknown junction. 


A struggle for justice by wrong means

Posted by Abhishek Pandey on 16:36:00 in , ,
By Abhishek Pandey

Villupillai Prabhakaran started the violent movement against Sri Lankan government for demanding equal rights for the Tamilians in 1972 by founding LTTE (Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam). He would have not thought that his efforts would not bring any fruit for Tamilians. As we all know, LTTE is on the verge of dying. V. Prabhakaran, the chief of LTTE is trying to escape from the No Fire Zone (NFZ). A 30 year old war seems to be ending in Sri Lanka with the death of LTTE militants and thousands of civilians. If sources are to be believed then 300,000 Tamils are sandwiched between the LTTE and Sri Lankan Armed forces.

The matter of concern is that civilians are on the chopping bloc in the war between government and LTTE. Many innocent civilians are forced to live in the camps and many are starving and genocide is waiting to take place. Why, we Indians should care about it. Indian should care about them as it is happening in our neighbor country. Indians should care because it is inhuman atrocities. Sri Lankan Government is not in the mood to step back and also mocked on the call of LTTE’s demand of cease fire. It is expected that with in few days, the war against LTTE would be over.

According to the filtered news coming from Sri Lanka, the political headquarter of LTTE, Kilionchchi, is not in control of the organisation. And the organization has been limited to 8 square kilometer area or less. Anytime, the chief of LTTE can be arrested or killed. Indian supports the cause of LTTE but not the method. Even, the Priyanka Gandhi, daughter of former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, who was killed in suicide bomb attack orchestrated by LTTE, understands the problems of Tamils in Sri Lanka but she is against any type of killings.

The issues of Tamilians have been politicized in Tamilnadu to earn votes in the elections. Tamil Politicians love LTTE’s cause but not its methodology. But they have done nothing to negotiate with the LTTE or Sri Lankan government to solve the issue. As one saying in Hindi goes, ‘Saanp bhi mar jaye aur Lathi bhi na tute’ (Get the advantage without paying anything). It is true in the case of Tamil politicians. In this election also, Jayalaita, Muthuvel Karunanidhi and Vaiko have extended their support for the Tamil Cause through lip service and demanded for a ceasefire to save innocent Tamil Civilians in Sri Lanka from the army attacks.

A Website supporting Tamil cause, Tamil Guardian writes, it is often forgotten that the demand for an independent Tamil Eelam emerged and was democratically endorsed by the Tamils several years before the LTTE's first major attack. After the independence from the British Rule in Feb 4 1948, Sri Lanka - then known as Ceylon - had majority of Sinhala speaking people with more than 70% of population. But during the British rule Tamils, which constituted about 15% of the population were on most of the civil posts because of their command over English. After the independence Tamil speaking populace were deprived of their basic rights in the island. ‘Sinhala only’ act also caused a stir in the nation for implementing Singhalese as national and official language of the country. Many Tamil officials in the administration had to resign because of their unawareness to the Singhalese language. Tamilians can not forget the Galoya riots of 1956 when several Tamilians were killed by the Sinhala hoodlums.

According to an article ‘A struggle for Justice’ published by a LTTE publication in 1997, in the early sixties, many Tamilians adopted Gandhi’s Ahimsa formula to raise their voice against the state. The Sinhala Government crushed the non-violent peaceful campaigns of the Tamils by using military power. Article further explains that the event that broke the limits of the state oppression against the Tamils was the new Republican constitution of 1972 which was a deliberate attempt to legalize and institutionalize Sinhala chauvinism at the cost of alienating the minorities from the politics. And, this was the time when the political struggle of Tamilians took a u-turn and started violent movement under the umbrella of militant organisation named LTTE.

As the supporters of the Tamil cause say that the birth of the LTTE is the result of injustice with the minority Tamilians in the region. As the saying goes, One man’s terrorists is another man’s freedom fighter’ may be justified in this case also. Sri Lankan government and Indian government have banned LTTE for its terrorist activities.

Whatever, the way LTTE choose to bring peace for the Tamilians who are living in north-eastern provinces of the island has been proved a catastrophe for the common people. Thousands of them, including women and children, have been killed in the ending combat. Will this war would end with the arrest of Prabhakaran or demise of the LTTE. It is doubtable because any community or group can not be suppressed for long. Sri Lankan government must take this in consideration and should give the minority population a platform to raise their voice in the democracy. It is up to government that they don’t leave any stone unturned to give birth to any other Prabhakaran. Justice should be done to the Tamilians.

The death of LTTE is not the solution to bring peace among the Singhalese and Tamilians. It would erect a wall of hatred and divide the two groups unless justice is done to the both parties. Killing of the people can not be justified whether it is done by the Sri Lankan Army men or by the LTTE. The struggler for justice started by LTTE and then retaliated by Sri Lankan government has not done justice to common people and humanity. Justice must be done but with non-violent and democratic means. The end of the LTTE is not the end of the war in Sri Lanka.

Sri Lankan government must give fundamental rights to all the citizens of the country. If it is done then there would be no Prabhakaran in the coming future because the militants would not be supported by the common people by invoking ethnic sentiments. This is the right time to welcome the Tamilians in the Sri Lanka to the mainstream. This move would bring long-awaited peace in the region. Not only Indian government but also International community should interfere to stop the killings of innocent people.


New media brings new power

Posted by Abhishek Pandey on 18:28:00 in , ,

By Abhishek Pandey

New media helped Barack Obama to be the president of United States of America. Now, it’s the time for Indian politicians and electorate to get the benefits of the digital media.

Information is the power and technology has enabled this power to be shared with the common people. And, Internet is one of the finest tools in the hands of the people these days. There are many websites which are encouraging electorates to use their voting power to decide the fate of the nation. Jaagore – one billion votes - is one of the initiatives. This website has Narayana Murthy, Chairmen Infosys Technologies ltd, Rakeysh Mehra, Film Maker, TS Krishna Murthy, former chief election commissioner and Tariq Ansari, MD Mid-Day Multimedia on the advisory board for expertise suggestions.

Voters from Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai, Bangalore, Nagpur and Pune can search their names in the voter lists of their constituencies on its website. Website also clarifies voting related myths among the voters. ‘Jaagore’ website also gives details on eligibility of registration in voting lists, correction in the list and other important information. Electon commission websites also provides this facility to the voters of many states on state specific websites.

There is another website ‘Vote India’, which is started by bureaucrat turned political scientist, Dr JP Narayan. This website asks people to not vote for politicians with criminal background and encourages people to make their vote count in this general elections. There are many similar websites and blogs on cyberspace to encourage and inform people about the importance of ballot power. ‘Votedeindia’, ‘Mission Jagruti and ‘Vote to Change’ are some of the prominent initiative on the web to update and persuade people for voting in this election season.

This time technology is playing a wonderful role in campaigning and informing people. Technology has been used by the political parties, social activists and also by election commission of India for different purposes. Now, the days are gone when booth capturing and looting of ballot boxes in remote areas go unheard. This is the first time that the voice of normal voters from the far lung areas can reach to the masses. There is a very unique website called ‘Vote Report’ on Internet to inform people about the wrong doings in the election. This is a collaborative citizen-driven election monitoring platform for 15th general elections.

Any citizen of India can report an incident related to general election on the website. ‘Vote Report’ accepts reports on different categories vary from forged voting, voter bribing, violence in elections, voting machine problems and other election related problems. Engage voters is another website with lot of interesting features. It is also having vote in and vote out widgets to scale the popularity of the leader in coming elections. Profiles of many eminent leaders are also can be accessed on the same website to judge their competence.

Many websites are specially designed to explain the election history of India including voters turn out from 1952 to 2004 and seats won by different political parties. If any electorate is interested to fin out the details, he/she can go to Indipepl.com. There is no dearth of information on any information and detailed information of contesting candidates, their agenda and for that matter, any thing related to elections are just a click away.

All the aforementioned initiatives are made to bring a 180 degree change in the national politics. We hope, Indian voters will turn out in large numbers this time. And every Indians should vote because their future would lie on their decision to push a particular button of an Electronic Voting Machine (EVM). Indian voters would decide the fate of the politicians in five phases from April 16 to May 13. Until the elections results are out on May 16, the outlook of the election result will keep haunting the politicians. Here, new media can hardly help them.


Children soft targets of sexual abuse

Posted by Abhishek Pandey on 08:45:00 in , ,

By Abhishek Pandey

Are children safe in this world from atrocities? The answer is no. They are not safe from sexual abuse from their neighbors, teachers, and even from their guardians in some cases.

Recent shocking news stories have painted the stark picture of the children conditions. A villainous Josef Fritzl of Australia kept his daughter hostage for 24 years in the basement of his house and fathered 7 children with her. It is one of the dreadful cases appeared in the newspapers in recent days. Traditionally, Indians believe that sexual abuse with the children is not our problem. These things exist in west but not in our country. This is a wrong notion altogether. This is because sex is considered a taboo in our society. Even in the families, it is not a worthy topic to be discussed among children. And we don’t know what is happening behind us with the children.

The atrocity against a daughter is also repeated in India in a slightly different form. Kishor Chauhan, a business man was arrested in Mumbai for raping his own daughter for nine years. He has been doing such a heinous crime when she was just 12 years old. His astrologer Hasmukh Rathod had suggested him to do so for getting richer quickly. The daughter opened her mouth when astrologer forced her younger sister also. The same kind of case appeared in the Singapore court few years back in which, a father was accused of raping her five teenaged daughters with the help of his multiple wives.

There are some incidents which have defeated even shame. A 2-year old girl was raped by her neigbour in one of the Mumbai suburban areas. In a similar case, a drunken father raped her four year old daughter in Delhi when no one was at home. A 14 year old girl was raped and strangled to death by her home tutor in Delhi. Teacher lured his student and killed after raping at his residence. A step-father of two girls used to rape his daughters in the absence of the mother. And, who can forget the Nithari killings of children? Nithari case was one of the worst reported cases of child abuse. These are the few examples of reported cases in the media. There could be thousand unheard cases in the society. There is no end to such terrible cases in our country.

The definition given by Ministry of women and child welfare in a report, Sexual abuse is inappropriate sexual behaviour with a child. It includes fondling a child's genitals, making the child fondle the adult's genitals, intercourse, incest, rape, sodomy, exhibitionism and sexual exploitation. To be considered ‘child abuse’, these acts have to be committed by a person responsible for the care of a child (for example a baby-sitter, a parent, or a daycare provider), or related to the child. If a stranger commits these acts, it would be considered sexual assault and handled solely by the police and criminal courts.

According to the 2007 report on child abuse tells that more than 53% children are sexually abused. And more than 70% children did not report the incident to any one. Report also reveals that 50% of the abusers were known to the child. Children are sexually abused by their neighbours, teachers, and relatives and now, even by parents in few cases. Where are children safe?

These atrocities with the children are not limited to particular social strata of the society. It is happening in low, middle and high class society. Children are vulnerable everywhere. Children often remain silent because of fear. Even if he/she speaks then it is not taken seriously or ignored to avoid ‘bad name’ to the family and child.

If the parents are silent then who would speak for the poor child? This moral question can annoy and worry any civilized person. Parents, especially mother, can not be silent on the issue of child abuse unless she is remorseless and heartless. Parents must encourage the children to speak to them for anything, they feel uncomfortable. And, if child trusts the parents to share his/her problem then parents must help him/her by extending positive support.

According to a report prepared by NDTV team of doctors, in the case of child abuse the physical force is rarely necessary because children, who seek for love and approval from elders, believe that they are always right and thus become vulnerable at the hands of such people.

Parents or guardians must be vigilant towards their children since there are certain general behaviour changes that may occur in children if they are experiencing such a problem.

The behavioural change may include sleep disturbances, withdrawal from usual activities, displaying sexual knowledge, unexplained pain, swelling, urinary infections and sexually transmitted diseases. An abused child may avoid to be left alone with a particular individual. A sexually abused child may feel different emotions like fear of the abuser or of being different; anger at other adults around her who did not protect her; isolation, sadness, guilt, confusion and shame.

Parents should be vigilant and must tell the child about the difference between the ‘safe touch’ and ‘unsafe touch’. If parents can teach them societal behaviour, manners and other necessary things so why not educate them about their safety. Individuals should also take initiative against child abuse. It does not matter that child is from your family or from your neigbour. It is the moral responsibility of every citizen to save the vulnerable children from the hands of perpetrators.

Government should also make a separate act to execute the convicts of child sexual abuse. In present context, child abuse cases are handled under various section of India penal code which are meant for adults like Section 376, and 377. The Offences against Children Bill, 2005, is a good initiative by the government. We should make all efforts to make the protective environment for the children. As the saying goes, children are the form of God on earth. So, it is the need of the hour to save the God on earth.

[Note: This article is not written to create unnecessary threat among the parents and guardians about the safety of their children. But this is to create awareness among parents to take better care of the children and save them from these heinous criminals around them in disguise of their closed relatives. The symptoms of the victim children have been taken from the authentic sources which are checked by professional doctors. Sometimes, these above symptoms could be because of other reasons also.]


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