Micro-blogging: Share your thoughts, in short

Posted by Abhishek Pandey on 16:00:00 in ,
Micro-blogging is all about posting small digital contents—text, pictures, video and links—on  the Internet. In short, it is a combination of blogging and instant messaging. Micro-blogging websites allow users to share a message of 140 or less character, a video of 12 seconds or less duration, short links or individual images with online followers.

Twitter is the most famous micro-blogging website. It allows users to update their messages in 140 or less characters. The website is increasingly becoming popular because the list of celebrities joining the site is growing each day and everyone out there wants to know what these celebrities are doing. The site has been in news for many controversial tweets by famous personalities. A few tweets that grabbed headlines and caused a ripple effect include Shahsi Tharoor’s calling ‘Economy Class’ a ‘Cattle Class’, Lalit Modi’s tweet on Indian Premiere League (IPL) and many more.  The tweet that made the biggest news of the last year was from a man from Pakistan. Sohaib Athar (@ReallyVirtual) live-tweeted the raid in which terrorist Osama bin Laden was killed.
There are certain things we should know about micro-blogging. There are a few must-know terms related to micro-blogging. One of them is hash tag (#). Tweeter users (generally called tweeple) must have seen the hash tag often in tweets. Hash tags allow an online community to easily stream a particular subject. It is a community-driven practice of tagging an individual tweet by using a hash in front of the tag such as putting #Indiancricket in a tweet about Indian Cricket. It also makes the tweet easily searchable online. Another term is re-tweet, it is used when you update someone else’s tweet on your page. ‘@’ is the sign used for specifying that a message is for a particular individual.

People using Tweeter has developed a terminology. They use tweeple for people using twitter, twaffic is used for users’ traffic on the site, twalking is used for tweeting while walking and twitticism is used for witticism used in tweet updates. There are several other terms and many are being added by its users.

The micro-blogging phenomenon is not limited to sharing text updates.12seconds.com is a micro-blogging video website. 12 Seconds limit the length of uploads to just 12 seconds. Making a video that’s interesting but is only 12 seconds can be a bit of challenge. Currently, they only offer integration with Facebook and Twitter. Some other websites such as Pluckr, Tumblr, Posterous, Plerb and Sweeter are also known among online users for their distinctive features. There are many sites such as twitpic, pikchur, twitgoo and others which allow users to share their pictures on Twitter.

There are many sites which provide an application through which you can shorten a Universal Resource Locator (URL)—you want to share with online pals. Some sites such as bit.ly, tinyurl, ow.ly and goo.gl provide an online tool for shortening URLs. These sites are useful because many URLs exceed the character limit.


Computing on a cloud

Posted by Abhishek Pandey on 12:44:00
Cloud computing is about accessing or sharing applications, software installed on a virtual server. It facilitates data storage solution to small companies. They need not to buy bulky and expensive servers. They can subscribe to cloud computing services and access their data anytime of the day provided there is no technical problem at host’s end and no Internet connection problem at company’s end.

Cloud computing service is useful not only for small companies but also for other online users. There are hundreds of websites which allow you to save your pictures, videos and other important documents on the Web. These websites provide 1GB to 50 GB free storage. Many websites provide the service for free and a few sites charge for premium service.

Sky Drive of Microsoft delivers online file storage and sharing solution in a free and easy to use way. Other websites providing similar services are esnips.com, hordit.com, gdisk.com, mediamaster and mp3tune (for storing music collection), Flicker and Picasa (for storing pictures and videos) and many more. People can not only save their data but also access several other features i.e. sharing files with friends and public, downloading data of your interest and upload data for public usage.
There are websites which allow you to use useful applications without installing them on your personal computer or laptop. For example: you want to play around with your pictures and you don’t have any photo correction software installed on your computer. You can visit aviary.com, phixr.com, graphita.com and many more similar websites those not only have photo correction tools but also provide image hosting services.

Some popular websites like Google and Microsoft has already launched ‘cloud service platforms’. Microsoft had started the Office Web Apps on ‘Sky Drive’ for users in select countries. The platform gives users the ability to view and edit Word, PowerPoint, Excel and OneNote documents online via browsers.  Microsoft had launched such cloud functionality to get an edge in the battle against Google Apps and similar Web-based productivity suites. Using Google Doc users can create documents, spreadsheets and presentations online and can share and collaborate in real time with others.
However, there is a problem with professional usage of cloud computing in India where Internet connection is slow and not reliable. In cloud computing, users cannot access their data when their internet connection is down or there is any technical problem at host’s end. This is a major drawback of cloud computing; particularly for the companies those deal with customers on 24x7 basis and cannot afford non-availability of their data even for a few minutes.  Until Interne connection becomes faster and more reliable than what it is today; users can continue using cloud computing platform for personal purposes.

Note- After reading the article, I would like you to watch a funny video on 'Cloud Computing' (in Hindi) that spread like a viral on YouTube. In this video, an ex IT commissioner is trying to explain Cloud Computing on TV.


Piazza: teaching the tech way

Posted by Abhishek Pandey on 12:26:00

Why is doing homework with friends better? Piazaa explains it in many ways. First, when you are at sea then someone who is stable can be a lifesaver. Second, when professors or teachers ask, there any doubts, students remain silent. Piazza, the website, helps you to connect with studious friends and tech-savvy instructors. They can help you out in virtual classrooms where you can reach out to back benchers like the ever intelligent Ranchodas Chanchad (Aamir Khan) of the movie Three Idiots.

Have you ever faced a query that stumped all your classmates including the most brilliant student in your group? Even Google Baba fails to come up with a solution. If you have ever faced such a situation, then Piazza is the answer for you.
Piazza is essentially a ‘question-and-answer platform’ for students and teachers. Students can post their questions and their peers or teachers can answer.
Pooja Nath
Piazza has been developed by a Computer Science student of the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur (IIT-K), Pooja Nath who was annoyed as she struggled with the nuances of assignments and did not feel comfortable asking her male peers for help. She also felt that online tools, like Google and Wikipedia, were not specific enough to answer the questions that her assignments posed.
Keeping this in mind, Pooja developed a website called Piazza of which she is now the CEO. The website provides students who want to work alone an opportunity to ask questions. Piazza also allows teachers to understand the problems that students face and tailor the curriculum to their needs.
Pooja says, the platform is in the beta form and the Piazza team is making efforts to make it a helpful one.  
Students can sign up on the website and create a virtual classroom. It allows only users with an official e-mail id of schools or institutions.  The administrator of Piazza verifies the credentials of any new instructor or professor joining the virtual classroom. Students new to the website can understand the functioning of a virtual classroom through an online video on its home page.
The website is popular among tech-savvy students especially in the United States of America, the United Kingdom and other European countries. Many Indian students from different engineering colleges are also using the virtual classrooms for enhancing their knowledge of their subjects.


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