Tie knot not

Spreading hatred has not benefited any but many institutions in our country do not seem to understand this. They are promoting it in the name of cultural traditions and cultural purity. The best example of present times is Khap which has wage a war against the people wants to spread love in the society.
It seems these panchayats are above the law, as Khap Panchayats can allow killing of the lovebirds, if any one dare to marry the partner of the same gotra. What is Gotra and why there is much hue and cry about it? Perhaps, many gen-Y Hindus may not be aware of. It looks like the Khap Pancayat has been given responsibility for its public relation and they have done their job well.
Many opine, if the panchayats consider the marriages in same gotra immoral, they should also declare that any Indian would be punished if he or she marries an Indian by justifying their decision with the old cultural saying – All Indians are my brothers and sisters.
And, they can also call upon Sania Mirza from
They are planning to shut down
Political parties have not came forward against this faction of the society, as no one want to annoy the huge vote bank in Haryana, Rajasthan and western UP. Shamelessly, several ‘intellectual’ young leaders like Jatin Prasad have supported them with many senior leaders like Ajit Singh, Mahendra Singh Tikait and several others.
Rashtriya Swayam Sewak (RSS) has also called the issue a social issue and does not show any interest in commenting on the issue.
It is irony of the state. On one hand, the government is encouraging inter-caste marriages for promoting harmony in the society. On another, the loose canons of political parties, including congress party, are aggressively waging war against the lovebirds.
Khap panchayats are continuously giving decisions for social seclusion of the couples those have tied knot with the partner of same gotras. It is the high time that the government must crack the whip on these panchayats and the person responsible for causing death to any couple must be punished.
It seems, the time is not too far when such institutions, if allowed to flourish, would demand for the separate colleges, schools and hospitals in the country for members of different gotras, caste and communities.