Not ready for this reality

Posted by Abhishek Pandey on 15:48:00 in ,
By Abhishek Pandey
Indian small screen has taken a giant leap in a new phenomenon of reality shows. Whether, it is an apparent copy cat business of formats used in west or typically new formats of reality shows. It is happening in India.

It is a significant question that we are ready to be receptive of these kinds of reality shows. In the age of commercialization, actress like Jade Goodie showed her sufferings of cancer and death to the world on the small screen. Indian producers of soap operas have decided to opt similar formats for immediate money making. ‘Sach ka Samna’ which is copy of American show ‘Moment of Truth’ has exposed the bed room secrets of the contestants in the starting episodes.

The show came in to controversy from the very first episode when host asked a woman contestant, Smita Mathai, “If your husband never came to know about it. Would you consider sleeping with another man?" She denied to this in her answer but polygraph test refuted her reply and she lost. These kinds of similar personal questions created furor in the Rajya Sabha for violating the program code of Cable Television Network Act, 1995. Members of Parliament opposing the show believe that it is against Indian values and culture. They said that it offends decency on family entertainment channels.

It is the known truth that controversy and success travels together. The TRP (Television Rating Point) of the show raised as news channels highlighted the questions of show’s viability in Indian context. The show continued walking on controversial path when Vinod kambali’s remarks on his and Sachin’s friendship made headlines. Vinod Kambli said that his friendship with Sachin Tendulkar was like Sholey’s Jai and Viru. Kambali revealed that he was the person who always sacrificed in their friendship like Jai did in Sholey. He also said that Sachin could save his career. Did Vinod never get suitable platform to utter this truth?

The contestant is asked more than 50 questions prior to the show and he/she undergoes a polygraph test during the question-answer session. The result of polygraph test is not revealed to the contestant and they are asked 21 selected questions out of 51 questions. The questions peep in to the private life of the contestants. The questions become more difficult and private as show moves further.

Questions in the higher stage of the show are generally very personal and embarrassing. These questions vary from bed room secrets to the thinking of the contestant on the controversial issues. The contestant wins nothing if his/her answer is false as per polygraph test or s/he declines to give the answer. The contestant has to answer the question if it is asked otherwise s/he would get nothing. The format compels the contestants to answer the questions to get the prize money.

Rajiv Khandelwal, who is the anchor of the show, said in an interview that the theme of the program should be appreciated as it inspires people to speak the truth. But the important question is that ‘Do we need to expose our private life in front of camera for the sack of earning few lakhs of rupees. He said that the people who are opposing the format of the show must appreciate that people are speaking the truth. Many questions in the show are hypothetical and have no relevance to the reality.

There are several other questions troubling the conscience of the people. Can’t we speak truth without the greed of getting good amount of money from the producer of these kinds of show? Rajiv replied to one question by saying that the show would give chance to contestants to speak the truth which they might have not reveled to their loved ones in their life time? Do we need reasons and platform to speak the truth to our friends and closed ones?

There are many truth revealed on the show which broke many hearts. It is doubtful that the show will strengthen the family ties or it will shatter the relations. There is one saying which reads that some truth should not be spoken for good reasons. But the biggest truth on earth seems to be ‘Money’.

Producers and few others in the media industry believe that the show does not hurt the sentiments of the people. This lot believes, “if you don’t like it, don’t watch it.’ I fear that these people would demand to broadcast porn movies on the family channels because according to them, one can switch the channel any time. Adults may decide, correctly or incorrectly, to decide their selective channel or programs but what about the children? We must think on this part of the truth.

Minister for Information and Broadcasting Ambika Soni urged that private television channels to evolve self-regulatory mechanism so that their programs do not hurt the people’s sentiments. Government has so far favoured self-regulation over an imposed content code, but the parliament may bring a content code in black and white for electronic media in the wake of this kind of unresolved serious issues. The imposed code has always been protested by the media personnel. Media must ensure to follow the self regulation.

Entertainment channels should restraint themselves from broadcasting vulgar and obscene content on family entertainment channels. Prakash Jawedkar of BJP and Kamal Akhtar of Samajwadi Party demanded that the show must be banned. But, many people are of the view that banning the show is not the permanent solution to stop this kind of broadcasting. Self regulation is the panacea for this critical problem. Media regulation by the government would be disaster for a free media but media should not forget its ‘Laxman Rekha’ while racing for the TRP.


Bahuguna trapped in Mayajaal

Posted by Abhishek Pandey on 22:00:00 in , ,

By Abhishek Pandey

The politics over rape in Uttar Pradesh has ignited the fire which gutted the house of Dr Rita Bahuguna Joshi. Ms Joshi was upset over the distribution of money to the rape victims instead of justice. During her rally at Moradabad, She forgot all the ‘Laxman Rekhas’ of politics and made an objectionable and inflammatory statement against Uttar Pradesh chief minister Mayawati. Her statements ignited the fire which burn down her own house at Lucknow. Her house and four vehicles were set afire by unidentified persons, who were allegedly escorted by a BSP MLA and other party members.

It is very contradictory that both the women are the leader of women empowerment in Uttar Pradesh and now, both are standing against each other. Mayawati is Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh and Bahuguna is president of UP Congress committee. Both are on important posts in the largest populated Indian state. It is the matter of proud and shame at the same time because two women are on important posts but both can’t work together for the welfare of the state or for women empowerment.

Politics is all about statements whether they are logical or illogical. In election time, the statements become more important but creating conducive ambience after the election cause damage to ideal politics. Earlier, these kind of abusive remarks were limited to election period. But, timing has no significance in present context.

It is the fact that girls and women were raped in different districts of Uttar Pradesh and compensation was given indiscriminately. It does not mean that Ms Bahuguna would be given right to bring disgrace to a woman by offering one crore rupees for illegal and indecent act. Mayawati said that Ms Bahuguna’s remarks were not pardonable but she forgot her statements when she said the same for Mulayam’s kith and kin. It seems that politicians have short memory.

Congress party disassociated itself from the controversy. Rahul Gandhi said that the language used was unfortunate but the sentiment was right. Congress President Sonia Gandhi had also uttered the same. Politics has become a cesspool because of this kind of dirty politics. Politicians have to think above their vested interest for the development of the nation. Maya does not buy Congress ideology but supporting it at center. Even, Congress party does not agree with Maya’s statue politics and on other issues. Both the parties blame each other for lack of development in the state. But, their political knot is tight at center. This is hypocrisy in their attitude and they must change it.

CB-CID enquiry has been ordered in arson case at Ms Bahuguna’s home. And, many cases are filed against Bahuguna for her inflammatory speech. Both the leaders can gratify their ego but there are many cases in the state where no FIR is filed, forget about the enquiry. Leaders should come down to the ground, from where they started, to sense the reality. Whatever, Bahugana’s remarks are unacceptable but following incidents after remarks are also of serious concern. Indian leaders should avoid these tracks of politics.


Homosexuals say cheers

Posted by Abhishek Pandey on 19:10:00 in

By Abhishek Pandey

Gays, lesbians, transgender and bisexuals are cheering over the Delhi High court decision to decriminalise homosexual relations. Delhi high court judge AP Shah and S Murlidhar have decriminialsied consensual homosexuals acts between two adults in private place in their 105 pages verdict in Na Foundation Vs. Union of India case. This verdict not only ensure the equality before the law on the ground of ‘what we are’ but also keep the privacy of an individual. Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transgender (LGBT)

Gays, lesbians and relations with transgender are not acceptable in the Indian society. But, no one can be punished from today for having sex with same gender. Vikram Seth has rightly pointed out that this verdict would made them feel that they were not unarrested criminals.

Delhi High court has given a historic judgment. According to this decision, consensual homosexual relations between two adult men or two adult women or with transgender in private place are not illegal. Earlier, these relations were categorized as unnatural offences and person indulging in it could be booked under section 377 of Indian Penal code. The punishment for the offence is 10 years rigorous imprisonment. Police men can not humiliate or harrass the men or women with different sexual orientation. This is the apparent truth that in many cases peole have been tortured by cops and police men have made their pocket money out of these persons’ sexual prefrence.

It has started a fresh debate over homosexual relations in the country. All the religious institutions and right wing parties have came forward to oppose the scrapping of Section 377 of Indian penal code for homosexuals. Section 377 of Indian penal code prohibits any citizen of India indulging in ‘unnatural sex’, whether it is with children, men, women or animals. The person booked under this act could be punished for 10 years of imprisonment.

Many religious gurus, Maulavi and Bishops opined that it is unnatural and against the will of the mighty God. It is against religion and society. Few members of this lot think that the court decision would increase adultery and other family problems.

Yog Guru Ramdev said in a television debate that it is against Indian ethos and Indian culture. It is unnatural and shameful act. He added that gays and lesbians are mentally retarded people and they need treatment not encouragement. In the similar fashion Darul Uloom has said that it is a kind of disease and averse to all the religions in India. Siromani Gurudwara Prabhandak Samiti (SGPC) have also voiced against gay, lesbians and bisexuals.

National Aids Control Organisation have mentioned that crinalisation of homosexuals act have hampered their efforts to eradicate the desease from the country. Homosexuals don’t come forward for medical care because of legal barriers. Religious leaders forget about the society while raising their voice for pseudo ‘moral values’.

Bollywood have also made many films on homosexual relations. Fire was the first movie to showcase the lesbain relations. Girlfriend, My broher Nilhil, Page3 and Dostana followed the trend by higlighting the grim reality of homosexual relations in our society.

It is the reality that homosexuakls exist in our society. It is silly that we keep our eyes closed from the realityand it is more irresposnsibel on the part of a civilised society that we prohibit any person to live their life with his/her own prefrences in life. Those are opposing have forgotten that if it would remain illegal then there would be more problems. For example, If person is forced to live with opposite gender then family related problems would increase. There would be mess in the family and the life of two individual will be at risk. On the oher hand, there would be no problem in homosexual relation of consensual adults. It is the reality and we must accept it.


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